Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cleaning up on the Cheap

The other afternoon was a "pin-fest".  Basically I did as many pinterest projects as I could get done while Damian napped!  Most of my projects centered around baking soda and cleaning.  

Shower Power
 The shower cleaner made with vinegar and dawn has intrigued me ever since I saw it so I decided to give it a try.  I love it!  You just mix half vinegar and dawn into a dish scrubber and scrub away.  I keep it hanging in my shower and then give the ol' tub a scrub whenever I am in there.  It makes cleaning the shower less of a chore, because really who likes to clean the shower?  Hard to figure the cost of this as I already had the Dawn and vinegar-I shall say $1 as that is what the scrubber cost me at the dollar store

Garbage Can Scent "Bombs"
You will need:
2 cups (just about 1 box) baking soda
your choice of essential oils, I got cherry at the dollar store
boiled water
muffin pan
muffin pan liners
mixing bowl
Add a few drops of essential oil to 1/2 cup of water.  Gradually add the water to the baking soda and mix until you have a thick paste.  I then used my cookie scoop to place the mixture into the muffin tins. Let them dry for 24 hours and then  you can peel the paper away.  
I individually wrapped each disc and then sealed them into a bag to preserve the freshness.   I would say they are good for about a month of smelly goodness in your garbage can.  
Recipe made 12 and the cost per each disc was $.06!  

Carpet Sprinkles
You will need:
2 cups, about 1 box baking soda
essential oils
shaker container (I saved an old parmesan container)
Pour the baking soda into a bowl and add a few drops of oil and mix it up.  You may get some clumps if you add too much oil in one spot.  I used my potato masher to incorporate the oil.  Dump into your container and sprinkle away!  
Total Cost: $.60

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