Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tweet Tweet

Let me just start by saying I love wreaths!  When I saw the idea for a bird seed wreath on pinterest I had to have one.  It was super easy to make and a great activity for any little ones you may have.  
You will need:
4 cups bird seed
3/4 cup flour
1/2 cup warm water
1 package of plain gelatin
3 TB corn syrup
cooking spray
Bundt pan (I love saying the word bundt!)
A whisk and a wooden spoon

 Here is everything, minus the water, that you need.  Now whisk the water, gelatin and corn syrup together.  Next stir in the flour and the the bird seed.  Spray your bundt pan with the cooking spray and press the bird seed mixture in using the back of your spoon or your finger tips.  
 Let dry over night.
 I took mine outside to flip out. 
Tie with a beautiful ribbon and tada you have a functional yet adorable wreath for the birds!  I hung mine in front of my kitchen window so I can hopefully catch a peek at some of the birdies.
Approximate cost of project $5

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